



Professor Stephan - Mr Lin Yang - and my colleagues in Australia - China - and Germany

Today is a significant waypoint in the progress of the SYTECH technology towards commercial reality.  -  

We will observe a production intent engine running in Germany from designs originally conceived in Australia - tested in the United Kingdom – Germany – France - and the United s=States of America - and coming back full circle to Germany and China.

My compatriots will speak to the features of the technology - its application - market acceptance - and progress to production.  

My focus will be on the people that brought us to this first firing – not the individuals one by one - no matter how immensely valuable each and every one of us are -  it is the melding of the people into an effective international team that gets the job done.

Not once during the progress towards today has the objective waivered.   – a four-cylinder range extender engine – emissions compliant in both naturally aspirated and charge air versions – components - mirror reversible - able to be produced in both four - and two-cylinder versions.

The firing today accurately depicts how far we have come along that path to success.

In pondering what were the ingredients that see us where we are today and casting the mind back three years - the dominant factor we see is mutual respect and humour during all meetings and conferences.

This project is a fun place to work.   – we delight in the achievements - and pitch in collectively and un-selfishly when the chips are not falling our way.

Further - we are blessed with team leaders that can - in Chinese terms - be both “sweet and sour” but above all else - are funny guys that lighten up the mood in the face of problems.

There is no issue that to date has not been resolved.   – we know there are more to come but the team will rally and - yet again -get the job done.

It would be remiss of me not to comment on the underlying sense of joy myself and grace are experiencing today at first firing.  -  as you are all aware i have a lot of candles on the birthday cake and to see a bright light at the end of a long tunnel is very exhilarating.

The Australian team has been together in varying guises for over two and a half decades and James - manos - and Richard have tolerated this sometimes grumpy, sometimes visionary - but at all times - eternally grateful team member for their friendship and engineering excellence.

This project would not have happened without them.


Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for this opportunity to express our heartfelt thoughts.

Graham and Grace Fountain.




